I am a Travel Agent, and when nobody is watching, I like to call myself a dancer, too. I was born in Lima, although, I’m proud to say that my family background comes from different Peruvian regions. I believe this is the main reason why I am so passionate about my country and its culture. Of course, I love traveling around the world, too, and it’s still one of my life goals; but anyplace that I’ve been in Peru has such a special place in my heart that I wish more people could also see and discover what I have.

Destination Expert


How did you get involved in travel?

I have to admit that as a child, I always had a growing feeling of exploring different places. As a teenager, I started to travel with my family much more around Peru, I remember having so much fun. At the age of 17, I knew I wanted to work in this industry, so I started Tourism Management at University. Since then, I have had the chance to work in various places, even once at Disney World. Being at Peruvian Soul has allowed me to do much more than helping travelers, but also to keep learning and innovating.

Most memorable trip

I have been lucky enough to visit so many regions in Peru, the beautiful coast, the beaches, the impressive Amazon Rainforest, and even the highlands. But not in a thousand years did I imagine I would hike and camp next to the Ausangate Mountain. I still remember being shocked by all the glaciers and snow-capped mountains surrounding me. It was such a physical challenge, but it didn’t matter because of the pristine landscapes I could see. A once-in-a-lifetime experience!



Favorite destination

What a difficult choice. However, my favorite destination is Arequipa. This beautiful city, with its impressive architecture and buildings, is like no other place in Peru. You can walk around the charming streets, try its local cuisine, enjoy their famous local ice-cream, and head to the Colca Canyon and watch the natural spectacle of the condor’s flight.


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