All you need to know about COVID-19

At Peruvian Soul, the health and safety of our travelers are our top priority. With the situation of coronavirus changing constantly this page was created to share the latest information, travel restrictions, safety requirements, news, and FAQs about the evolution of coronavirus in Peru. 

[UPDATE] As of April 15th, 2021, our most important touristic sites such as Machu Picchu are still open for tourism. However, since last week, cases increased in certain areas of Peru. As a result, regions such as Lima and Cusco have been moved up one level in Peru’s restrictions scale. 

Quarantine is still not required, but you must take an Antigen Test upon arriving in Peru. If the result is negative, you can skip the quarantine. This is a fast test which gives you results after 90 minutes. The cost of this test is approximately US$50 but may vary depending on the laboratory. There is a laboratory at Lima Airport, or you can choose others too. You do not have to take the test at the airport, you can first go to your hotel and then go to a laboratory in the city or even ask for a test delivered to your hotel. The main laboratory doing PCR and antigen test in Peru is UNILAB, they are the ones that have a station at Lima Airport.

Peru has taken some serious measures and established strict protocols to ensure travel is as safe as possible. Especially since Peru got the Safe travel seal from the World Travel and Tourism Council. Over the last few months, destinations such as Lima, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Ica, Arequipa among others have reduced the capacities at their main attractions and restaurants and transports, making all of these safer for visitors. All tour operators must follow strict protocols to get operation authorization.

Table of Contents

1. Is Peru open for travel?
2. Is tourism open in Peru?
3. Peru coronavirus cases
4. Peru Vaccination
5. Coronavirus curfews in Peru
6. What should I know before traveling to Peru?
7. What to expect during your trip with Peruvian Soul?
8. What to expect at hotels?
9. Planning a trip to Peru?
10. Useful COVID-19 links

Flights to Peru

Is Peru open for travel?

The country is still open for travel. However, there will be a total lockdown on Sundays in these regions. These policies stand until May 9th, when they will be reassessed.

Peru travel restrictions and national protocols:

  • Passengers from any international destination need to present a negative PCR test issued no more than 72 hours before.
  • Children under 12 years old are exempt from this by presenting a Medical Certificate of good health (must state name, ID, age, and medical condition).
  • Those arriving in the country must complete an affidavit online before travel. They will be denied boarding otherwise. This can be presented in digital or printed form. More information here: Lima Airport Arrivals Protocol
  • Although the borders to Peru have been re-opened, flights from United Kingdom, South Africa, and Brasil will continue to be suspended. ​For more information on airport operations, see here.
  • Those traveling from the United Kingdom, Brazil, or South Africa who are not residents must quarantine in another country for 14 days before trying to enter Peru, or else they will be denied entry.
  • Flights from Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and Paris will be resumed but ensure there is no layover in the UK, South Africa, or Brazil as you may be denied entry.
  • PCR tests are no longer required for domestic flights within the country
  • Machu Picchu and most major touristic sites are open from Monday to Saturday. They will remain closed on Sundays if they are located in a region categorized as extreme.
  • Procedure to avoid the quarantine: Upon arriving in Peru, you must take an Antigen Test. If the result is negative, you can skip the quarantine. This is a fast test which gives you results after 90 minutes. The cost of this test is approximately US$50 but may vary depending on the laboratory. There is a laboratory at Lima Airport, or you can choose others too. You do not have to take the test at the airport, you can first go to your hotel and then go to a laboratory in the city or even ask for a test delivered to your hotel. The main laboratory doing PCR and antigen test in Peru is UNILAB, they are the ones that have a station at Lima Airport.
  • To view the protocol for international departure at Lima Airport, follow this link. Please note that your destination country will have its own protocols in place, too.

A view of the mountains in the Sacred Valley

Is tourism open in Peru?

Yes, the most important attractions in Peru are once again open to start welcoming travelers back. In order to assure the highest safety conditions for travelers and locals the capacity of the sites have been limited to a minimum. Machu Picchu for example is just receiving 900 travelers per day which is an incredible opportunity to visit the famous Inca site avoiding the crowds and seeing it as no one has during the last 20 years. For more information on how to visit Machu Picchu and the new coronavirus protocols you can take a look to in-depth information here: Can I visit Machu Picchu 

Besides Machu Picchu and all the major tourist attractions, safety protocols are in place nationwide to protect travelers and residents alike.

For travel inspiration and our top recommendations of destinations, check our blog below.

If you have any additional questions about a specific site or destination please contact our travel specialists to help you plan a safe and memorable trip to Peru. 

Peru coronavirus cases

As of March 18th, 2021, there have been 1 704 757 cases in Peru from which 1 627 969 have been recovered. For up-to-date Covid-19 cases in Peru, we suggest to check the following site: Coronavirus cases.

Peru Vaccination

Vaccination progresses. Peru continues vaccinating the elder, after finishing with their first-line workers. There is still a long way to go through. A new municipal system for vaccination is in place. The government expects to have received 9,6 million vaccines by July. To follow the vaccination plan you can follow the official government site (although its only in Spanish).

Coronavirus curfews in Peru

The government has issued a new and more relaxed set of curfews that are focalized in each region. They are ranked from moderate to extreme from April 18th to May 9th.

Extreme level: 

Ancash (Huaraz), Ayacucho (Huamanga), Cusco (Canchis), Huancavelica (Huancavelica, Tayacaja), Huanuco (Huanuco), Junin (Huancayo, Tarma, Yauli, y Chanchamayo), Lima (Metro, Callao, Huaura, Barranca, Huarochiri, Huaral), Ica (Ica, Chincha), Loreto (Maynas), Moquegua (Ilo), Puno (Puno), Pasco (Pasco), Tacna (Tacna)

  • Curfew from 9:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. from Monday to Saturday.
  • Total lockdown on Sundays.
  • Many public spaces, including cinemas, places of worship, casinos, gyms, and clubs, are closed. 
  • Other spaces including shopping centers, banks, supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, some tourist areas, and salons operate at reduced capacity (between 20% and 30%). Delivery is allowed.
  • Interprovincial air and land travel operates at 50% to 100% occupancy.

Very High level: 

Amazonas (all provinces), Ancash (all provinces except Huaraz), Apurimac (all provinces), Arequipa (all provinces), Ayacucho (all provinces except Huamanga), Cusco (all provinces except Canchis), Huancavelica (Castro Virreyna, Huaytara, Angaraes, Acobamba, Churcampa), Huanuco (all provinces except Huanuco), Ica (Nazca, Palpa, Pisco), Junin (Junin, Yauli, Jauja, Concepcion), Lima (Cajatambo, Canta, Canete, Oyon, Yauyos), Moquegua (Mariscal Nieto, General Sanchez Cerro), Puno (all provinces except Puno), Tacna (Tarata, Jorge Basadre, Candarave), Tumbes (all provinces)

  • Curfew from 9:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. daily.
  • Private vehicles are prohibited on Sundays.
  • Public spaces, including shopping centers, cinemas, tourist areas, places of worship, casinos, gyms, and clubs, operate at reduced capacity. Delivery is allowed.
  • Interprovincial air and land travel providers operate at 50% to 100% occupancy.


Cajamarca (all provinces), La Libertad (all provinces), Lambayeque (all provinces),  Madre de Dios (all provinces), Piura (all provinces), San Martin (all provinces), Ucayali (all provinces).

  • Curfew from 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. daily.
  • Private vehicles are prohibited on Sundays.
  • Public spaces including shopping centers, cinemas, tourist areas, places of worship, casinos, gyms, and clubs operate at reduced capacity. Delivery is allowed.
  • Beaches are open.
  • Interprovincial air and land travel providers operate without restrictions.

Misminay community in the Sacred Valley of the Incas

What should I know before traveling to Peru?

We know traveling has changed after the pandemic. Even though we can go on adventures away from home again, there are still some measures we must follow to keep everyone safe. These guidelines will help us take care of you as well as all the people who work with us and who will also be part of your journey through Peru.

Before traveling to Peru you should:

  • Consult with your doctor to get official advice on whether to travel or not.
  • You must also provide an Affidavit when booking, including personal medical conditions, along with a self-declaration that you are free of COVID-19 symptoms to us three days prior to departure. 
  • Inform yourself about the travel restrictions and safety protocols of the destinations you’ll be visiting. 
  • Be aware that the safest way for traveling is an individual private trip (1 to 4 people) or small private groups (5 to 8 people) within the same household. In case of not sharing the same household, you need to let us know.

View of Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu, Cusco

What to expect during your trip with Peruvian Soul?

We want our travelers to explore Peru the safest possible way, making sure we can still amaze you and spoil you a little bit, too. Below you’ll find some recommendations to have in mind while travelling in Peru with us. 

  • All our partners, including hotels, restaurants, and service providers on your trip, follow the national protocols for COVID-19 and are authorized for providing touristic services.
  • All our guides have received official training about safety protocols. Your guide and driver will use a facemask at all times, and they will keep the social distance.  The guide will carry the emergency contact information, a small Aid kit, hand sanitizer, and disinfectants.
  • We will avoid handing in any documents or paper along with your trip (e.g., entrance tickets, schedule sheet). We will share everything with you digitally when possible. 
  • It’s mandatory to use a face mask in public spaces and during your tours. When traveling by flight, train, and bus a face shield is also required. 
  • We will measure your temperature before and after your tour and will follow the procedures if any COVID-19 cases are detected. 

El Mercado Tunqui, Cusco

What to expect at hotels?

We are aware that physical contact is not allowed but trust us when we say everyone will welcome you with a smile.

  • At the entrance, the personnel will measure your temperature, and they will provide hand sanitizer or show you their hand sanitization station.
  • At the reception, you will find floor signs to follow and maintain the social distance.
  • Your luggage will be disinfected before taking it to your room.
  • The personnel will walk you to your room with your luggage following the social distance.
  • Once in your room, each of you will have space for your personal belongings. They will limit the souvenirs, graphic material, and any other not necessary object that was commonly placed as a decoration or as amenities.

You can take a look to our top hotels top picks here: Hotels in Peru


Book with confidence

Book with confidence

Travel has changed. Trust, understanding, and flexibility are now essential to ensure a smooth experience for everybody, travelers and coworkers alike. Thankfully, we have always believed in these values and lived by them for 10 years in the travel industry.

We know traveling has changed after the pandemic, and you could feel it’s not the right time for planning and traveling but, don’t worry we’ve got your back.

Book with confidence

Our flexible booking policies allow you to create your dream holiday while minimizing the risks of cancellations and have total flexibility for rescheduling your trip if anything happens. Take a look at our flexible policies here.

If you have an upcoming trip with us and would like some extra clarification regarding your possibilities please contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

Please Keep Safe,

The Peruvian Soul Team

Useful COVID-19 links with updated information

World Health Organization
Centers for disease Control and Prevention
Us Department of State
COVID-19 Reports from Prom Peru
Q&A From Lima Airport
News Section from the US Embassy Website in Peru



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