When is the best time to travel to Peru is a question we get a lot. “Is it going to be rainy or sunny? What’s the weather like in Peru?” are just a few more doubts that pop up when planning a trip to Peru. Today, we will share with you what it’s like traveling to Peru in July.

July is probably the most popular month to travel to Peru for various reasons. Same as June, many people worldwide decide to travel during their summer vacations. Also, although it’s winter, Peruvians have vacations from school and work during this time of the year too. Being that said, is it a good time to come to Peru? 

Weather & Seasons

As we talked about in our Travel Packing list blog, Peru has many ecosystems and microclimates throughout the territory. However, due to its location close to the Equator, in Peru, you can mainly notice only two seasons, summer and winter, that correspond to wet and dry seasons.

Jul is right in the middle of the dry season, which goes from April to October, and winter time in Peru. It is the favorite time to travel to Peru for many people because of the good weather conditions. It may be surprising for many people, but winter in most of the country is rather dry, with clear days and a lack of rainy days.

Andean Condor flying in the Colca Canyon, Arequipa

In the Andes of Peru, you can even enjoy sunny and clear days, which helps a lot to keep ourselves warm during the day. However, don’t forget that we are in winter so the nights will be very cold. 

Lima, the capital city of Peru, is a little different from the rest of the country. Although it tends to have mild weather throughout the year, the city has very humid conditions and a constant drizzle and fog during winter. So, keep yourself warm.

If you’d like more information about what to pack for a trip to Peru in June, check our Ultimate Travel Packing List.

Where to go & What to do

Travel to Peru in July

As we were saying, this could be the best time of the year to explore the Andes of Peru and the Rainforest. Since there are no heavy rains, trekking expeditions, day hikes, or just a light exploration around the city gets easier. We recommend visiting Cusco, Arequipa, Lake Titicaca, Tambopata, Iquitos, Chachapoyas, and Lima. Of course, if you want to visit the coastal areas of Peru during this season and don’t mind some cold days, go ahead. It’s such a beautiful experience!

June Events & Festivals

July is one of the most important months in Peru because the most important celebration for Peruvians takes place during this time of the year: Independence day & Fiestas Patrias.

Peru Independence day is on July 28th, and from the 28th to 29th are joint holidays for Peruvians. This month is full of parties, celebrations, festivals, circuses, and people traveling around the country.

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